Product Updates: September 2021
An overview of updates made to our apps over the past month, including new layouts options and a mood picker

Starting this month, I’m excited to share an overview of all the product updates we’ve made to Happyfeed over the past month.
iOS Updates
- Happiness Jar: Swipe right to shuffle or left to go back
- Newer photos display in their natural ratios in your history
- Prettier buttons in the Photo Picker drawer with icons
- Improved flexible layout for iPad users
- ✨New Mood Picker - We split the favoriting functionality and emoji tagging into two unique buttons (and made a much simpler emoji picker). Your favorite days don’t need an emoji, and now any day can have emoji for easier mood tracking.
- ✨New Moment Layouts - To make memories more sharable, we replaced the color button in our Moment overlay with an option to switch between different layouts. The first is a fullscreen image option and the second is a simple square with text on top. Both are perfect for sending to friends.

Happyfeed is filled with so many wonderful memories and I know we can always do a better job of building ways to present and share those memories. Moment Layouts are a good starting point and I hope we can offer up even more options soon - like fonts, colors, and more layout control.
Android Updates
- Larger photos in the Happiness Jar
- Started storing image dimensions for future release with natural ratios
- Updated navigation structure to help speed up the app
The Android app is still a bit behind the iOS one in terms of features, but it’s finally starting to feel almost as robust and reliable. If you notice something in our list of iOS updates that sounds cool, let us know and we’ll prioritize it for Android next!
Website Updates
You may have noticed a few small changes to our website. That's because we rebuilt the whole thing from scratch on a new platform to help speed up the pages and make room for new features.
Plus, it's always fun to come up with new homepage designs 👨🎨
Up Next
Many of the best ideas come from people who use Happyfeed every day. If there’s something you’re wishing the app had, or just a fun idea for a new feature, please reach out and let us know! You can drop us a message at [email protected].
October 8, 2021