Photo of rolling green mountains a blue sky


Zapier API Docs (Technical)

This is a technical article intended for use with developers creating new integrations with Happyfeed on Zapier. To learn how to use Zapier with your personal account, please see Zapier Automation

Trigger: New Moment


The body text of the moment

Type: String
Key: text

Created At

Date and time that the moment was created. Not to be confused with "Day" which was the day in which the moment is associated. For example, you could add a moment on Friday night that happened on Thursday.

Formatted at a datetime string following ISO 8601 standards.

Type: String
Key: createdAt


Date that the moment occurred, formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD"

Type: String
Key: dayId


Image file URL for a moment, MIME type: image/jpeg

Type: String
Key: imageUrl

Location (Latitude)

Location of the moment from GPS or image data

Type: Number
Key: lat

Location (Longitude)

Location of the moment from GPS or image data

Type: Number
Key: lng