Zapier Automation
Learn how to integrate your Happyfeed journal with Zapier to automate tasks like backing up your moments to Google Sheets and much more.
Our Integration
Try out the Happyfeed Zapier Integration. You can create an account on Zapier and link it to your Happyfeed account using your email and password.
Use Cases
We built our Zapier integration with one goal in mind: to give you even more control of the moments you save on Happyfeed.
Our favorite ideas use Zapier as a backup:
- Add a new row to a Google Sheet each time you add a moment
- Append a message to an Evernote note when you add moments
- Link Happyfeed with any other writing or notetaking app!
Or you could try something social:
- Add a new pin to a private Pinterest board for each new moment
- Post your moments to a small Facebook Group with friends or family
Anyone who uses Happyfeed (free or paid) is able to use our Zapier integration. We hope it becomes a useful tool and helps Happyfeed better fit in with the other apps you currently use 😄
Triggers and Actions
We're starting simple with a single Zapier trigger: Add a New Moment. Essentially, data can only go out from Happyfeed to other apps until we add actions of our own.
Our Zapier integration is currently in beta and we'd love to hear your feedback or ideas for new features. Send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch.
Technical Questions?
Please see our Technical Documentation
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a tool that connects apps to create automated workflows. What's a workflow? Essentially Zapier uses triggers and actions to perform tasks. Triggers can come from any app linked to Zapier - when you add a row to a Google Sheet, when you post an image on Instagram, or (our favorite) when you add a new moment to Happyfeed. Zapier is able to detect when these triggers occur and automatically perform a related action.
Actions can be just as varied as triggers. For example, you could add an event to your Google Calendar each time you post on social media. It all depends on what tools you use and how creative you want to be.